Saturday, May 21, 2011

Production and Packaging of Non Carbonated Fruit Juices and Fruit Beverages

Production and Packaging of Non Carbonated Fruit Juices and Fruit Beverages, edited by P.R. Ashurst.  Hardcover book published 1999.

“This book reviews the fruit juice and fruit beverage industry (including nectars) from grower to distributor, including fruit handling and processing, chemistry and characterization, analysis, quality control, nutritional value and packaging.”

This is another one those books that I got very excited about when I found it.  It’s a title that just screams out, “I am so specific, that anyone interested in this subject (?) just has to buy me”.  Seriously, I stood there holding it thinking to myself there can’t be many titles looking at Non Carbonated Fruit Juices… there might be a few articles here and there, probably in food technology magazines or beverage journals but another whole book… Well, possibly, but like this title, I reckon any others will also be a little scarce.  The chapters have bibliographies and/or references and/or further reading, at the end of them and they all pretty much reference magazines and journals (as I suspected).  The chapter entitled “Authentication of Orange Juice” has 7 pages of it… this book is serious stuff… pulp fiction it ain’t. 

So who wants this juicy title?  (Now available through Books &Collectibles)

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